Guidelines for Symposium, Subspecialty Day, Instruction Course, and Free Paper Presentation

- Session Time: 90 minutes
- Organizers: 1 chair and 2 co-chairs
- Number of presentations: 6 presentations/session
- Presentation length: 15 minutes for each presentation (including Q&A)
* May be modified by the session organizers

Subspecialty day
- Session Time: 90 minutes
- Organizers: 1 chair and 2 co-chairs
- Number of presentations: 6-9 presentations/session
- Presentation length: 10-15 minutes for each presentation (including Q&A)
* May be modified by the session organizers

Instruction course
- Session Time: 90 minutes
- Organizers: 1 chair and possibly 2 co-chairs
- Number of presentations: determined by the organizers
- Presentation length: determined by the organizers
* May be modified by the session organizers

Free paper
- Session Time: 90 minutes
- Organizers: 1 chair and 1 co-chairs
- Number of presentations: 9 presentations/session
- Presentation time: 8 minutes for each presentation
  (6 minutes for presentation, 2 minutes for discussion)
* Submitted free paper abstracts may be changed to poster presentation by decision of the
   scientific program committee.


∙ Recording (photographing, audio taping, or videotaping) any presentation/session is PROHIBITED,
  except by an APAO/SOE Busan 2012 authorized agent or by presenters who wish to photograph
  their own presentations.


∙ Acceptable formats for presentations: PowerPoint (ppt, pptx), Adobe Acrobat (pdf), Macintosh
* Presenters who use Macintosh for the presentation need to bring the VGA adapter.
∙ The following media formats will be accepted in the Preview Room: USB Flash Memory Drive, DVD+-R,
  CD-R, and CD-RW


∙ All PowerPoint slides and other files for presentation in Symposium, Instruction Courses, Subspecialty
  Day, and Free papers must be uploaded in advance. Instructions on how to submit presentation
  materials will be provided at a later time.
∙ All presenters must visit the preview room at least 4 hours prior to the start of their presentation
  session. Do not bring a laptop or other media device to the session room.

Guidelines for Poster and e-Poster Presentation

- The dimension of your poster should be 90cm wide by 120cm high.
- The poster title, author(s)’s name(s), and organization(s) should appear at the top.
- Poster should follow the main headings used in your abstract
  (Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion).
- Posters should be legible from a distance of at least one meter.
- For legibility, a minimum font size of 28 points is recommended.
- Each poster should be placed on the appropriate numbered board as assigned to each presenter.
  Presenters will be notified of assigned board numbers by either e-mail or on-site.
- All presenters should be present in front of their poster during the assigned poster session.

- All e-Poster files must be made of PowerPoint and uploaded in advance. Information on how to submit
  presentation materials will be provided at a last time.
- Do not include video in your PowerPoint file.

Guidelines for Video Presentation

∙ Videos that are not directly related to ophthalmology will not be accepted.
∙ The video must include narration. Music alone will not be accepted.
∙ The title and narration of the video must be in English.
∙ Generic names should be used instead of product names, where possible.

∙ The total duration of the videos, including title and credits, must not exceed 8 minutes.
∙ Video format: Acceptable formats for submissions are 1/2“ VHS NTSC, Super-VHS NTSC or
  DVD Mpeg2 (720 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 Resolution); PAL and SECAM formats are not
∙ All videos must be converted to NTSC.
∙ Be sure to review the copy you are sending for audio and video clarity.
∙ Do not send your original copy (Videos will not be returned).

∙ Deadline for video receipt is January 31, 2012 (Korean Time).
∙ Send your video via air courier (Federal Express, DHL, etc.) to trace its receipt and to ensure
  prompt delivery.
∙ Make sure your video is correctly labeled with the producer’s name and title of video.
∙ Mailing Address
  : APAO/SOE Busan 2012 KOIMA B/D 2/3F, 874-1, Bangbae4-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-839 Korea
∙ Confirmation of receipt will be sent to you by email.
Ho Young Ahn
Secretariat of APAO/SOE Busan 2012
874-1, 2F, KOIMA B/D, Bangbae4-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-839 Korea
Tel. +82-2-3475-2691 Email.